Ironhead Originals on West 4th Avenue


I’ve been shopping at Ironhead on West 4th Avenue for years and it deserves a mention. This store continues to pump out unique t-shirt designs and hasn’t let success go to their heads. Unlike most cool brands, they haven’t sold out to a big chain or dropped the quality of their shirts to increase profit margins. Dany Regan runs a smart business and deserves a drop by the next time you’re walking 4th.

Last modified: April 23, 2008

3 Responses to " Ironhead Originals on West 4th Avenue "

  1. Black Jack says:

    Best shirts around – these guys need an online store to make it a little easier for travel-phobic Americans.

  2. Lindsay Miskimmins says:

    Could someone please help me find sales or how to order Ironhead Clothing?!??!?!?!???

  3. If you’re out of town, give Dany a call at 604-736-4411. I’m sure he’ll be happy to help you out.