Firefighters: Fill their boots, don’t empty their wallets


Kitsfire_1 More than a dozen people are homeless in Kitsilano after an early-morning fire tore through a row of houses at Fifth and MacDonald. The fire started around 3am and destroyed four houses and damaged a fifth.  About 70 firefighters responded to the call, and were able to keep the flames from spreading any further.  Fire officials say they think everyone living in the homes – many of them tenants – got out safely.

Crappy side note:  Some low-life saw the huge turnout of firefighters as an golden opportunity and broke into a nearby fire hall and stole more than $500 from their wallets.

Last modified: August 4, 2005

One Response to " Firefighters: Fill their boots, don’t empty their wallets "

  1. Tawcan says:

    Scary stuff considering I just live a few blocks away from these houses.

    The theft business is just sad.