Hell’s Kitchen feels like heaven to me


Another Wednesday night in Kits had Rob and I looking for a beverage to ease the mid-week blues. Our first thought was to give The Distillery on West 4th another shot… we came to our senses and went across the street to Hell’s Kitchen. Within minutes of arriving we ran into our good buddy Lorne of the Kitsilano Leisure Kings (KLK) and his lady-friend Meagan. Lorne introduced us to Mark, the proprietor of Hell’s Kitchen and sister joint Nevermind. It’s not a surprise both these places are hugely successful – this guy has his shit together. We left before the back table posturing began…Geoff, Geoff? Where are you? It looked like the beginning of a great night – Rob and I have committed to sticking around until the Kitchen closes in the near future.

Hell's Kitchen on Urbanspoon

Last modified: November 18, 2008

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