Below the Watermark


Today in the Vancouver Province, Andrea Woo surveys Vancouver’s concession stand beach cuisine and uncovers that while the burgers, hot dogs, fish and chips, and fries may taste good, they are not particularily good for you. Big surprise. However, our very own Kits Beach concession (Watermark’s downstairs neighbour) gets high grades for offering healthier items like chicken salad, fresh fruit salad and even sushi. Those fresh choices didn’t make a difference to Kits beach regulars Yumi Mizuno and Natasha Sarsthi (pictured) who dove into two giant orders of fish & chips, pissing off women on diets around the world. Nice work girls.

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Last modified: November 18, 2008

One Response to " Below the Watermark "

  1. Mizuno Fan says:

    I think you spelt her name wrong: Y-U-M-M-Y!