A banner year in Kitsilano


Bestofvancouver2005The Georgia Straight’s Best of Vancouver came out today and it looks like Mikey and I will have lots of content for the blog for the next week as Kitsilano and its fine restaurants and retail fared pretty well. I haven’t had a chance to read over everything but thought the first mention of Kits was pretty fitting:

Most hypocritical bannersWest 4th Avenue. Next time you’re wandering down the elitist shopping zone Kitsilano has become, look up at the pseudo-psychedelic banners hanging from the lampposts, celebrating the old hippie days. Would those be the same hippies that the city once spent so much time trying to evict, harass, or get busted by The Man, you know, back in the day? Just asking.

Ouch. Let’s hope our neighbourhood can find a happy medium between ‘elitist’ and ‘hippie’ – call it West Coast casual.

Last modified: September 22, 2005

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