Apartment Hunting in Kits in Four Easy Steps


Looking for an apartment in Kitsilano? Check out this article updated for 2013.

Every month Kitsilano.ca has a couple dozen visitors that land here because they’re looking for an apartment in Kits. While I can’t point you in one spot that is the definitive directory of apartment vacancies, here are the four best ways to find a pad in the neighbourhood.

1) Vancouver Sun and Province classifieds (hard copy or online) – Kits still has a lot of old-school landlords that call the Sun & Province as soon as they receives a tenant’s notice.

2) Craigslist  – If you’re looking for a place to rent anywhere in the world, you’ve got to check out craigslist. They’ve got a page dedicated to Apartment Rentals in Vancouver and you can search by keyword = kitsilano. Today there are 44 listings in Kits – not bad.

3) UBC/AMS Rentsline – Kitsilano is the home to a lot of UBC students and they move in and out of Kits like migratory birds. The UBC Rentsline website is searchable by rent amount which makes it a little easier to find a place if you’re on a budget.

4) Walk the hood – Landlords like dusting off their vacancy signs whenever possible. I guess it makes them feel like real estate agents in a hot market.  So, if you know where you want to live and can focus on a 5 x 5 block, walk the ‘hood and you’ll see a dozen signs on the Sat/Sun right after everyone gives notice.

Good luck – if you’ve got any tips, post them in the comments.

Last modified: July 19, 2013

5 Responses to " Apartment Hunting in Kits in Four Easy Steps "

  1. Alison says:

    Done it all – but the most tried and true way, how we found our current ab-fab apartment on W. 3rd is just by walking around. The key is to have a cell phone, and call the number on the “Vacancy” signs while you’re standing outside, or just go buzz the landlord.

    Actually, the way we found our place: We were standing around trying to get ahold of the number on the Vacancy sign, and a guy walks up to me and asks if we were looking for a place. Turns out he was moving out of his, so we went and had a look, it was like destiny!

    Just get out there and do it all!

  2. Those are some great tips for apartment hunting. Apartment hunting can be a hassle many times as I used resources on the web to help me locate the perfect apartment. I hope you find a great apartment.

  3. Easier Way says:

    Rental Guide is a Tenant Relocation Service that has been helping clients secure rental accommodation in Kitsilano and Vancouver for over 22 years and are accredited members of the Better Business Bureau.

  4. Rental Guide User says:

    I’ve used Rental Guide and I do NOT recommend them. They say they guarantee to find you a place they did NOT. You cancel the fee you have to pay and they continue to charge.

    Save your money and go for a walk in the area you want to live. Its free and its more effective.