Vanier Park Cyclocross Classic descends on Kits


2005vanierracecourseThanks to Kits resident Gordon Ross for letting me know about the Vanier Park Cyclocross Classic taking place in Kits this Saturday morning. The race is presented by Krebs Cycle Club and takes advantage of the closest thing Kits has to actual wilderness. Nestled at the base of the Burrard Street Bridge, the cyclocross course of sand pits, grassy hills, rooty single track and gravel paths provides a great venue for a cyclocross race experience.

The day kicks off with a Learn to Race clinic at 8:00am, the Men’s B Race at 8:45am, a Cross for Kids race at 9:45am, the Women’s race at 10:15 and the Men’s race at 11:15. I’ll be there and I’ve got my fingers crossed for rain… lots of it.

Last modified: October 21, 2005

One Response to " Vanier Park Cyclocross Classic descends on Kits "

  1. Alison says:

    got the stickers – plastered one on the dumpster behind my building and one at UBC – it’s only just beginning 🙂