Kitsilano ass pants worth $225M


Yup, the Kitsilano born, soon to be global Mega franchise Lululemon has sold a 48% share of the company for $108 million. I can now sleep comfortably at night knowing that founder Chip Wilson will be able to provide for his family. Check out all the details here.

Of course, Chip has locals to thank for his success – including every woman who has or now lives in Kitsilano for purchasing 18 pairs of the same pants that look identical (I don’t think women are allowed to live here without proof of purchase).

All kidding aside, congratulations.

Last modified: February 19, 2009

One Response to " Kitsilano ass pants worth $225M "

  1. Sheena says:

    Hey Mikey! Long time no hear. Where ya been hiding yerself?
    As to the lulululuemon thing, it just goes to show you how you can market just about anything to the masses. And if you do it successfully, it will make you a gazillionare. 80 dollars for a pair of pants your just going to sweat in? Come on! And, no you can’t convince me that they ‘breathe’ better than the knock-offs I bought at Costco for 15 bills. Personally, I’d rather spend the few extra bucks I saved down the street at Starbucks, on a vanilla latte and low-fat fruit swirl.