Schmuck in Vancouver


Last week’s Westender covered Summer in Vancouver and featured an incredibly stupid article by Michael Harris on how to ‘get laid’ this summer at Vancouver’s beaches.

Coverjun1A thin scrim of trees between the sand and a grassy park provides a light shelter for those uninterested in ogling volleyball players. But otherwise, the mammoth swimming pool and white-sand beach leave would-be suitors exposed to passersby. Luckily, everyone at Kits beach is so incredibly self-involved that they won’t notice some schmuck making a pass.

Apparently Harris doesn’t do so well with the ladies in Kits or anywhere else.

Last modified: June 4, 2006

2 Responses to " Schmuck in Vancouver "

  1. Laid off says:

    This guy is a clown. 95% of the people on Kits Beach during the summer are NOT from Kits.

  2. Ariadna says:

    You can’t expect much from the Westender.