Call me Olive Oyl


I am a spinach lover of Popeyesque levels.  If only for this reason, I had to check out Greek Day.  Just as Rob warned us, the food was somewhat lacking and a tad overpriced; just a few booths distinguishable only by whether they offered chicken or pork souvlaki, or both.  The manfriend and I consumed a soggy spanakopita and washed it down with a yummy, surprisingly cheapish ($2.50!) mango juice from the Banana Leaf, while watching the predicatably adorable Greek kids dancing on the main stage at Carnarvon. 

Having had our fill of phyllo, we met up with some friends to check out Kits Days, hoping to reach somewhat greater heights of festivaldom.  Unfortunately, Kits Days turned out to be a meagre offering of sidewalk sales with no crowds at all.  We did, however, come across Simpatico, and wished we had heeded Rob’s advice to hit up their cheaper and tastier sidewalk BBQ.  Maybe things were more happening on Saturday, or earlier in the day on Sunday with the soapbox derby.  Oh well, a lazy day spent strolling in the Kits sunshine is not exactly a fate worse than death.

Banana Leaf (Broadway) on Urbanspoon

Last modified: June 9, 2008

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