is definitely a Placeblog


This week Darren Barefoot pointed out that is a Placeblog and I think he may be right.

A placeblog is an act of sustained attention to a particular place over time. It can be done by one person, a defined group of people, or in a way that’s open to community contribution. It’s not a newspaper, though it may contain random acts of journalism It’s about the lived experience of a place.

Placeblogs are sometimes called “hyperlocal sites” because some of them focus on news events and items that cover a particular neighborhood in great detail — and in particular, places that might be too physically small or sparsely populated to attract much traditional media coverage. Because of this, many people have associated them with the term “citizen journalism,” or journalism done by non-journalists.

In other news, Darren and his wife are moving to Malta for six months. Darren + Malta = Malta Placeblog.

Last modified: January 4, 2007

One Response to " is definitely a Placeblog "

  1. You sure are, and to my eye, a pretty good one. Hope you’re already in the directory!