An Inconvienent Truth in Kitsilano


Vancity’s CEO, Dave Mowat, is on a mission to share the truth about climate change and is coming to Kitsilano. Mowat received training from Al Gore personally on how to deliver the climate change presentation that was featured in the Oscar-nominated documentary, An Inconvenient Truth.

Legend has it that after Mr. Gore had delivered his climate change presentation, he started wondering what would happen if he could get 1,000 people to give the same presentation all over the world. Through, Mowat applied to be part of the Gore’s program and was accepted. He is one of 19 Canadians who are trained to spread the Gore gospel.

The presentation is on Thursday, March 8th at 7pm at the Ridge Theatre. Since there are only 350 seats available, Vancity will be drawing seats. So if you’re interested, send an email by February 28th to with ‘Truth Member Event’ in the subject line. Winners will be drawn on March 1st and notified by email. How convenient.

Last modified: December 9, 2008

One Response to " An Inconvienent Truth in Kitsilano "

  1. Brian Smith says:

    Right, so Dave Mowat wants to the climate change issue great. What’s he going to do about it? Spreading the word is the start, yet he heads the largest credit union in the country that has financial assets in excess of $11.8 billion and social capital assets that far out way that. I’m think that he and Vancity could do a great deal more toward this important global issue. So, I am running for the Board of Directors in the year’s election to get some of my ideas heard. What is more, i have created to open the lines of communication between Vancity members and Vancity staff and Directors. Please go over there, sign-up and upload some videos that represent your thoughts on the direction that Vancity should be heading.

    Brian Smith