Shooting death in Kitsilano


News1130 is reporting that someone got shot to death last night at West 1st & Cypress – what’s happing in our hood???

It was another deadly night on Vancouver’s west side. The backdrop for the city’s latest shooting death is at Cypress and West 1st. Kitsilano is not known for violent crime involving guns but last night, around 9:30, the quiet street was a crime scene where a man in his thirties was shot in the head.

This morning, a man from a small town in Ontario says it’s not quite how he imagined his new neighborhood, although he admits he has become almost immune to it, after reading and hearing about it all the time.

It sounds like witnesses heard more than one shot. Police say the dead man had a history with the law, and they think they’ll find this will be a story with ties to other crime. They don’t believe the public is in danger.

Last modified: February 26, 2007

5 Responses to " Shooting death in Kitsilano "

  1. Kimmy says:

    Scary. Also, the guy who was shot to death in Shaughnessy a few nights ago owned Migz on West Broadway. Apparently he had strong ties to Vancouver’s “underworld.”

  2. James says:

    Sweet mercy, this is a block from my apartment. The only consideration of violence at that intersection was the meatheads from Ron Zalco and the fashions of the ladies on the patio of The Smoking Dog.

  3. Mitch says:

    I think the cops should take a good look at Ron Zalco. I heard he runs some sort of gun club or kick-ass gay bar right around the corner. Its one or the other for sure actually. Lets get the VPD on this before Zalco gets completely out of control.

  4. Walrus says:

    freaky stuff… but it’s more comforting knowing it’s gang related and not just random. Still makes me think twice about those binge nights where I’m walking home late drunk from a local kits bar without any ability to judge danger.

    It’s not surprising though when you consider the stuff you see downtown.

  5. Biff says:

    Relax people. The news said this individual was targeted. You’re all as safe as you were before.

    And MITCH…you should think twice before posting outright lies like that about someone. There are laws against that. You may not like RZ but my guess is you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about so don’t be so damn irresponsible.

    MITCH’s comment doesn’t belong on this site.