A Bang-up Job


The other day I realized my boyfriend was practically begging me to get a haircut so I could stop pinning back my bangs, a technique he believes should be relegated solely to Saturday morning breakfast cooking. Full disclosure: I am not a hair person and I don’t really care to become one.  My hair is what it is and that is fine, straight, and generally lacking potential. I finally caved and booked an appointment at Bonnie & the Hairdressers on 4th at Bayswater.

Despite the name, this place appears to be a one woman show.  I say this as someone who very much dislikes anything poofy and new age: the place has good energy, as does Bonnie herself.  She gave me a great cut and lots of tips that I fully intend to try, like "Product is not the Great Satan" and "Bang trims are complimentary so don’t try to do it yourself."  Points taken.  For once in my historically awkward relationship with  my hair and those who "style" it, I wasn’t desperate to bolt from the salon.

Last modified: November 18, 2008

One Response to " A Bang-up Job "

  1. Jen says:

    I’m not entirely sure what happened, but a month or so ago there was some drama at Bonny’s, where she apparently changed the locks and left “the hairdressers” out in the cold. They’d affixed a big sign to the outside of the salon alerting their customers they’d been locked out.

    A few days later it re-opened, but I guess the hairdressers haven’t returned…