Rainy Days for Retail


Brook Design Home Furnishings didn’t save up enough to make it through the rainy days of Vancouver’s winter and has closed their retail location at 2029 West 4th. Their voicemail message states that they’re “concentrating on Internet sales”.

A business that plans on taking advantage of Vancouver’s inclement weather has moved in and has all-season plans. Gumdrops – a combo of the words gumboots and raindrops – is Vancouver’s first wet weather boutique but has plans in place to carry it right through the summer with parasols and beach gear replacing this season’s umbrellas and rainboots. The Globe & Mail’s Small Business supplement feature fills us in on the details:

Shanda Jerrett could barely wait for Vancouver’s infamous yearly rains to begin. While locals got in a last few holes of golf under grey skies or ran the Grouse Grind before its trails got too mucky, she was overseeing the final details for a brand new, unique retail store – Vancouver’s first wet weather boutique.

Originally from Australia, where she had experienced a five-year drought and strict water-rationing measures, the wet weather started to affect Jerrett during her second winter on the West Coast. She put on some colourful rubber boots, black with pink swirls, to cheer herself up – and ended up with a business idea.

Last modified: June 2, 2008

6 Responses to " Rainy Days for Retail "

  1. Erik says:

    This is (at least) the second rain dedicated store in Kits. Caça on Broadway (across from the White Spot) sells some really funky and exclusive umbrellas:


  2. Jerrett says:

    There are a few differences between the stores…..Gumdrops products are from top to toe for Men, Women, Children and Man’s Best Friend……there are many more products other than Umbrellas.

  3. Erik says:

    Jerrett, my comment didn’t imply the two stores are the same, other than that they both focus on Vancouver’s rainy season. Caça by selling umbrella’s and (your?) Gumdrops by selling a wider range of rain protection.

  4. Carrie B. says:

    Still a stupid concept – stick to umbrellas and you might have a chance. These rubber boots are trendy-as-hell and won’t last long. Remember UGG boots.

  5. Gumboots says:

    Don’t waste your time at Gumdrops – Exposure up the street on West 4th has the exact same boots for $50 less.

  6. Jam says:

    I think the idea of a rain dedicated store (not just umbrellas) is a great idea and it’s about time. I know a lot of people, mostly women, who are raving about it. We should be supporting small,innovative businesses. I haven’t seen another rain store that’s even close to this in the Vancouver area. And, I’ve searched the net and can’t even find one with a comparable selection in Canada. As for price. I went to that other store that supposedly had the same rainboots for $50.00 cheaper and they were the exact same price. Gumdrops does have higher-end boots, but it also has the same (and many more) gumboots as the other stores at the same price. For the price point, fun atmosphere, and friendly staff I’ll stick with Gumdrops. If you want cheap, black, plain rubber boots go to Work Warehouse.