Kitsilano: Coffee, Sushi, Yoga, and… Nail Salons


Walking through Kitsilano’s shopping areas, it is hard to miss the (over)abundance of coffee places, sushi restaurants, yoga outlets, baby stores, and cell phone providers. Love ’em, hate ’em, they are definitely part of what makes Kitsilano.

Two recent changes in Kits have suddenly made me more aware of another overly present type of service offering; the nail/beauty salon. A brand spanking new nail salon opened up on Macfourth (hinted at in Macfourth’s October 22 update), and not long after noticing this new addition to West 4th, I saw that another salon is set to (re)open on Broadway. Lucia Esthetics is moving one block east and a couple of floors down, from 213-2903 West Broadway into Kava’s old location.

And now that nail salons are on my radar I see them everywhere. Unfortunately I don’t know as much about nails as I do about sandwiches, so I’ll leave the reviewing to someone else.

Photo by pinkiwinkitinky

Last modified: June 2, 2008

One Response to " Kitsilano: Coffee, Sushi, Yoga, and… Nail Salons "

  1. Andrew E says:

    It seems to me that whenever a store shuts down, in its place comes a woman’s clothing store. Reitman’s where book, Le Chateau, the expansion of Gravity Pope…I could go on.