Best Gym in Kits Crowned


The votes are in (all 56 of them) and Kitsilano Workout has been crowned the Best Gym in Kitsilano. Here are the results:

  1. Kitsilano Workout – 41.1% (23 votes)
  2. Kits Community Center – 25% (14 votes)
  3. Fitness World – 16.1% (9 votes)
  4. Westside Gym – 10.7% (6 votes)
  5. Just Ladies – 3.6% (2 votes)

I wouldn’t necessarily trust these results though. The fitness business is ultra competitive and gym owners and employees tend to weigh in online when they shouldn’t be.

Last modified: November 4, 2013

7 Responses to " Best Gym in Kits Crowned "

  1. darren says:

    i agree with the results 100%…and i’m glad to see RZ at the bottom.

    after all, if it hadn’t been for kits workout and their amazing classes, i’d never have found hadj and the plyometrics grind class!

  2. kitsgirl says:

    ooooh, i love that class! although i thought his name was dave?

  3. darren says:

    Dave was trained by Hadj and for a time last year, they both were teaching it. That’s when I ran into them.

    Hadj is now on his own…just click on my name to see

  4. dawn Searle says:

    “I wouldn’t necessarily trust these results though. The fitness business is ultra competitive and gym owners and employees tend to weigh in online when they shouldn’t be”

    No Kidding.

  5. steve-o says:

    Dawn, 23 votes is certainly too small of a sample in a neighborhood this size to provide any revelant results. However, you mention 1,000,000 people in the G.S. vote. While the Straight might claim 1,000,000 readers (they publish far less but count “pass along” readership)they compiled votes only in the thousands for each category. Still a much better than 23 votes but the 1,000,000 figure is meaningless.

  6. hughjarse says:

    Ya. Being the best gym in Kits is like being the finest ballerina in Arkansas

  7. hughjarse says:

    I’m really desperate for a gym to go to. I’ve had about all I can handle of Fitness World. Are there any other gyms out there near Kits?