What’s On Tap This Weekend in Kits?


Kitsilano is full of students, young couples, and young professionals—groups that traditionally like to go out for a pint or martini and, more so, like to save a buck when doing so.

I’m no different, my circle of friends is no different, and I’m willing to bet a lot of people reading this are no different. Countless times I have called up a friend and asked where we could get a decent pint of beer and a plate of wings for less than an arm and a leg—usually I get “I don’t know” in a low, drawn out, almost incomprehensible voice.

A new website strives to change that and educate the masses on the best drink and appy deals of the day in our fair region www.ontaptoday.com.

Kitsilano.ca has invited me to provide a weekly posting on some of the specials and deals found in Kitsilano. This week I’ll provide some hot deals for the upcoming weekend but next week you can expect a review of my time testing the daily specials at Brown’s Social House—classy successor to The Vineyard.

Until then enjoy your weekend and check out www.ontaptoday.com for more deals:

Friday night:

  • Migz BBQ – Alexander Keith’s $3.25/$12.99 & $3.95 Highballs
  • Tatlow’s Broiler – Ceasars $2.95/$4.95


  • Room 18 – Stella Artois for $4.25 & $19.95 Mojito Pitchers
  • Gargoyles – Local Pitchers for $12.95

Last modified: March 7, 2008

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