DB Bistro Moderne unveiled


Andrew Morrison of Urban Diner has great connections in the Vancouver restaurant biz – even stories that unfriendly restaurant owners would never consider sending his way end up in his mailbox. Nice score Andrew!

The design schematics for DB Bistro Moderne and Lumiere have landed our way, several months before the side-by-side restaurants are set to launch. Word is I’m not in the Sidoos’ good books so I’m pretty certain it didn’t come from them. A frigate bird, perhaps.

Unauthorised leak or not, Lumiere as we knew it is gone, shrunken in size to just 51 seats (including bar). DB Bistro looks to have a separate, 21 seat bar/lounge/holding area. I like the look of the curved corner banquettes, and I’m particularly taken by the symbolism of the revolving door.

Check out the plans over at Urban Diner.

Last modified: July 14, 2010

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