Lola’s and their Newly Opened Wine Store


Lola'sNot until I chanced upon an odd line-up of college kids one Thursday night in the 2200 block of West Broadway did I realize that Kitsilano actually has a nightclub. This is how Bruce James over at Martiniboys describes Lola’s Bar (2291 West Broadway):

Downtown Vancouver is to Kits what Manhattan is to Brooklyn: a bridge too far away. Most of Van’s club-life party spots are situated on the over-populated Granville Street or in the ghetto-populated Gastown. Kitsilano hasn’t traditionally had many dance floors on offer, aside from one-too-many pub walkways and tables (don’t judge me). Thank whomever you pray to for Lola’s, the poorly named but often packed dance hideaway located smack dab, um, well, just to the left of the heart of Kitsilanso.

Now that you’ve heard of it, good luck finding it. Formerly known as the Side Door (waaay better name), Lola’s local is just that: it’s a side door. Down an unadvertised walkway up and up some stairs is Lola’s, and unless there’s a line up peeking out onto the sidewalk, finding the place could be harder than you think.

I can’t say I particularly care for nightclubs, but I can honestly say that since yesterday I absolutely love Lola’s. Why? Because they have taken over two adjacent buildings, formerly home to a Greek travel agency and Greek restaurant, and are turning it into a wine store. The store opened its doors yesterday and currently only carries about a fifth of the total planned inventory. More wine is set to arrive over the next few days/weeks, and beer will follow in about 4 weeks. The space looks great, and I am ecstatic that I now have to walk a full three blocks less to the nearest liquor store.

Last modified: April 13, 2008

5 Responses to " Lola’s and their Newly Opened Wine Store "

  1. mark says:

    Do not use this beer and wine store. The male cashier consistantly rips you off. The last 3 times I went in there he overcharged. Once by as much as 10 dollars. If you spot it he just makes up some lame excuse. Also he says they don’t have any bags but is really just too lazy to bag your items.

  2. Bil Barilko says:

    I asked about bicycle parking and was told to use a neighbouring restaurants’ railing.

    Prices are quite high, selection poor and service non-existent.

    I doubt I’ll ever go back and wouldn’t recommend it to anyone I’d ever want to speak to again.

  3. kathy says:

    there is a male Asian cashier there who is rude and uses inappropriate language no matter who is in the store…treated me like an idiot last time I was in…I even told him not to speak to me that way and no apology. I won’t go back.