Kitsilano Soap Box Derby Axed


One of the great things about writing this blog is being recognized as a go-to place for everything Kits-related. As a result, when residents come across something that they think might be of interest to their neighbours they tend to contact us to spread the word. We love that – so keep the tips coming.

Regular reader Moe emailed me earlier this week to find out more about this year’s Soap Box Derby. Unfortunately I had no news for him so I suggested that he contact the event organizer, the Kitsilano Chamber of Commerce. Moe heard back from the Chamber but the news is not good – they’ve decided to drop the event entirely and wouldn’t give him a reason why. What the @!#*?

This comes as a big surprise as the event draws a huge crowd every year and appears to be a great success for the community. Premier Gordon Campbell is a regular attendee and has even gotten behind the wheel in past years. If you’d like to let the Kits Chamber know that they’re making a mistake, be sure to email them at Better yet, email Gord.

Last modified: May 1, 2008

4 Responses to " Kitsilano Soap Box Derby Axed "

  1. No doubt they ran out of gas. .>)

  2. StanTheMan says:

    The Kitsilano Chamber is so out of it – they have no idea how to promote Kits. Why doesn’t Kitsilano 4th Avenue step up –

  3. CloveredAlien says:

    Anyone who was looking to race in Kits can check out Cloverdale’s Soapbox site with a list of other races.

  4. Traci Penner says:

    The 2009 Cloverdale SoapBox Derby race will be on Saturday, September 19, 2009.
    Pre-Registration is required.
    Volunteers are loved & FED 🙂