A Tale of Two Tomatoes


The first involves a new opening. Immersion Clothing‘s old spot (1926 West 4th) is now occupied by funky looking children’s shoe store Tomatoes Children’s Footwear. Although they currently appear to have no web presence, a Google search suggests that they either moved here from Metrotown or still have a location there. The store looks beautifully minimalistic, and reminds me of Gumboots both in terms of its look and feel and its highly specialized merchandise. I will be visiting them this weekend as we are looking for some sandals and water shoes for our son for the summer, but one has to wonder how such a specialized store will be able to survive…

Tomato Fresh Food CAfeThe second, and utterly unrelated, tomato tale involves Tomato Fresh Food Cafe. After having enjoyed brunch (thanks Rob!), lunch, and dinner there, I can honestly say that this is one of my favourite all-round Kits places, especially when with child. They rival Rocky Mountain Flatbread for most kids-friendly place in Kits, despite the lack of play area and the fact that they seem to think that only women change diapers (currently only the women’s room has a change table). And what’s not to like about a place that allows you to feed your kids vegetables in liquid form by way of the delicious Adam & Eve?

Tomato Fresh Food Cafe on Urbanspoon

Last modified: August 18, 2008

2 Responses to " A Tale of Two Tomatoes "

  1. darren says:

    Erik, I have to whole-heartedly disagree with your take on Tomato Cafe. Although it looks very nice, the service I’ve received there on more than one occasion…let’s say…needs work!

  2. Erik says:

    Service has been outstanding in my last 4 visits or so.