Malones Season Upon Us

1465 published their 2008 Vancouver Patio Guide and a few Kits establishments made the grade. However, I have no idea why Room Eighteen was included – they don’t even have a patio. Not a big surprise considering the MartiniBoys reporting standards in the past.

Of course, this time of year everyone’s least favorite off-season eatery becomes the hottest patio in all of Kits. It’s all about location – have a read.

Christened after Cheer’s most frequent patron, Malones has become a neighbourhood staple where everyone (at one point or another) knows your name. Bouncing beach balls (and accompanying bouncing body parts) are typical fixations of Kits Beach volleyballers that patrons rarely detract their sight from. Women watchers and aficionados of the female physique will be delighted to discover you can’t beat the price of the ladies in bikinis here – free!

Overlooking the always “mobbed in the sunshine” Kits Beach, the patio has more to offer than just brilliant beer specials: the traffic light/crosswalk at the patio’s tip provides the very best sunny day eye candy, regardless of your preference. A stone’s throw away from the sand, it’s sun decks like this one that make you wish you could order your beer to go. But being this close to the beach, you’ll be satisfied knowing that a romp in the sand is just a crosswalk away. – B.J. $$. 2210 Cornwall Street, 604-737-7777.

Malone's Bar & Grill (Kitsilano) on Urbanspoon

Last modified: May 22, 2008

One Response to " Malones Season Upon Us "

  1. StanTheMan says:

    I love that fact that 0% of people like Malones. HA!