Accessibility Issues along West Broadway


The CBC has an article today on our mayor’s claims about accessibility in Vancouver. It refers to the recent sidewalk upgrades along West Broadway in some detail. From the article:

[Ms. Tabler] lives on west Broadway in Vancouver, an area where the city recently spent $4 million to upgrade the road and sidewalks. Tabler said the streets are now even harder for her to navigate than they were before the reconstruction — both in and out of her modified van.

“On a busy day, when I try to go down the sidewalk, I typically feel like I am a nuisance,” said Tabler. “I’ve also been known to just go home because I can’t find places to park.”

I think the sidewalks have actually improved; they appear to be a little wider and they are definitely more level than they were before. However, from an accessibility point of view it seems that the main problems are the sidewalk ramps and (non-)accessibility of the single disabled parking spot It’s a shame that this couldn’t have been taken care of in a better way.

Last modified: June 10, 2008

2 Responses to " Accessibility Issues along West Broadway "

  1. Anonymous says:

    it’s the CBC. not the sun

  2. Erik says:

    Oops. Thanks Anon. That’s what you get when you sleep ~3 hours a night due to the arrival of newborn twins I guess 🙂 I updated the post.