Kos Gallery


PaydayI didn’t notice it in previous summers, but apparently Sigge’s – the cross-country specialty store on West 4th (2077 @ Arbutus) – is only open for the winter season.

This summer, The Kos Gallery has taken over the space. The gallery offers an eclectic selection from several local artists, ranging from traditional land/seascapes (William Townsend / D.F. Gray), to out-there fractal art (Ray Lipovsky) and war helmets (Jason Marlow).

Image: Payday by Ken Kirby

Last modified: June 26, 2008

One Response to " Kos Gallery "

  1. christine says:

    During the summer it used to be taken over by Gaia makers of “Ultimate gear”. I guess they must have moved location and now it’s a gallery.