Sportchek Retreads Canadian Tire


It’s been just over one year since Canadian Tire deserted it’s Kitsilano location at 1625 Chestnut Street and sent its loyal fans over to the their Cambie Street megastore. Looks like their old retail space has finally found a tenant that doesn’t mind living under a mini-storage facility.

Sportchek & Coast Mountain Sports is moving in and are in the process of putting the final touches on their new home. No word yet on whether Coast Mountain Sports on West 4th and Yew Street will remain open.

Photo credit: greggscott

Last modified: July 3, 2008

3 Responses to " Sportchek Retreads Canadian Tire "

  1. Steve says:

    There will be no Sport Chek. It will be a big Coast Mountain Store only

  2. Rob says:

    Correct Steve – heard that as well. The new Coast Mountain will be double the size of the old locations and is scheduled to open on October 3rd.