Good Bye Ouzeri, Hello Shack


The Ouzeri at 3189 West Broadway is no more. A transformation has occurred and it is now the address of The Shack Eatery and Watering Hole, not to be confused with The Eatery sushi spot which is further West along Broadway. The Shack opened up over the Greek Days celebration when West Broadway was closed for the festival.

Boasting that funky upbeat urban setting that seems to be transforming many places along this section of the Broadway corridor in Kits, The Shack offers appys, pizzas, burgers, sandwiches and mains all complimented with a choice of your favorite beverages. Looks like a great atmosphere, it’s been busy when I’ve peaked in on a couple drive-bys and I really like the wide open concept. I’m looking forward to checking it out. No web site is available yet.

Last modified: July 5, 2008

2 Responses to " Good Bye Ouzeri, Hello Shack "

  1. MLK says:

    Just when I found some of the best stuffed grape leaves EVER. I’ve only eaten Ouzeri food once (grape leaves and some kind of chicken liver dish) but it was some of the best of either I have had…Sad to see more burgers and bar food on the block.

  2. gh says:
