Growing Garlic in Kitsilano


Dominic, Suzanne and Oliver of Rocky Mountain Flatbread are hosting a Green Talks session on October 7th from 6:30 – 7:30pm and this time around the topic is garlic.

It is garlic planting season and if there is one thing we should plant in our gardens — it is garlic. It’s tastier, healthier and cheaper! So, to start off our Green Talks this season, Sharon Hanna, legendary Urban Gardener is coming in to speak with us. Here are the details at a glance:

During the one hour talk, you can:

Purchase 6 types of garlic — Kieve, Musica from Italy, Persian Star, Spanish Roja and Korean.
Learn how to sow your garlic in mid October, when you plant your spring flower bulbs (tulips and daffodils), and how to harvest it in mid July.

Sharon has been urban gardening here in Vancouver for over 30 years. Her busy life includes: writing for Canadian magazines; runing her own gardening business, Hotbeds; leading local edible school garden programs; supplying neighbours with the very best nursery plants as well as advise to grown their own food.

Head on down to Rocky Mountain Flatbread, buy some garlic, learn some great growing tips and enjoy their awesome flatbread pizza. Reservations aren’t necessary.

Last modified: July 15, 2010

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