It’s haiku time!


Now is the time the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival harvests the haiku coming in from all corners of the world. Vancouver’s 36,000 cherry trees inspire new poetry from across the Province and the country and as far away as the United Arab Emirates, Nigeria, Romania, Australia, Austria, Poland, New Zealand, Israel and Trinidad & Tobago.

Kitsilano residents are invited to join budding and established poets from around the world, in submitting entries to the international Haiku Invitational in celebration of the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival (March 28-April 24, 2009).

Kitsilano residents can find haiku inspiration in memories of the beautiful blossoms at Kits Beach, Yew Street, and throughout Vancouver. The tidal wave of pink and white petals join Vancouver’s skyline shortly after the Festival’s pink and blue banners fly on the historic Burrard Bridge, signifying that Spring is on the way.

Haiku that honor the cherry blossoms, in the spirit of international friendship, will be harvested until the submission deadline of December 19, 2008.

Top haiku will be selected over the winter and announced this Spring at a Vancouver Symphony Orchestra “Musically Speaking” concert on March 28th, be displayed on board Translink buses and SkyTrain cards during March and April, with celebrity readings at festival events.

Submit your original, unpublished English-language haiku at

Last modified: November 17, 2008

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