’s Top 5 Blog Posts for November 2008


November on was all about voting. Four of our top five posts were related to the Vancouver election and the fifth was asking our readers to nominate for Best Local Blog in the Canadian Blog Awards.

Kitsilano’s own Peter Ladner was unsuccessful in his battle for mayor but with your help made the final five for Best Local Blog. Now we need your vote!

The top five blog posts for November based on pageviews were as follows:

  1. Burrard Street Bridge a flashpoint for Vancouver mayoral battle
  2. One Issue Voting
  3. How to Vote (according to the Upper Kits Residents’ Association)
  4. nominated for Canadian Blog Award
  5. Kitsilano Votes Vision

Last modified: December 27, 2008

One Response to "’s Top 5 Blog Posts for November 2008 "

  1. In the finals, WHOOHOOO!!!

    Best local blog. FANTASTIC!!!