Kitsilano Farmers Market to deliver by bike


Our local farmers markets are supposed to bring out the green in Vancouver residents – but with shoppers come cars. Problem partially solved. When the Kitsilano Farmers Market reopens on June 1st they will offer FREE food delivery by cargo bicycle. So now there is no need to bring your car if you want to by a 20lb bag of potatoes.

The UBC AMS Bike Co-op will provide the bikes and drivers for the free delivery service. This isn’t much of a stretch for the co-op as they already deliver food weekly to customers of Sprouts, an organic food co-op housed in the university’s Student Union Building.

Deliveries will be limited to residents west of Burrard, east of Alma and north of King Edward Avenue to the water.

If you’re already bringing your our bike to the market, volunteers will also be offering free basic tune-ups – – adjusting brakes and gears, seats, helmets and tire pressures and check that chains are properly oiled.

Last modified: April 6, 2009

4 Responses to " Kitsilano Farmers Market to deliver by bike "

  1. Hi Rob, Thanks for the pub on our new service. It will be a sure fire hit I am certain. One small change – we are opening June 7th this year, not the 1st.

    Everybody buy those potatoes and squash!

  2. Larry says:

    life just gets better greener and healthier at the market.

    c u there rob