Paddlers 10,000 Voices Flotilla this Sunday


saveourriversTomorrow, Sunday March 22nd, the Save Our Rivers Society and the Wilderness Committee will take to the water around Kits Point for a Paddlers Ten Thousand Voices Flotilla:

We are planning to float and paddle around Vancouver harbor near Kits Point with the Save our Rivers Society and Ten Thousand Voices for BC Rivers banners on display for the public to get a look at. We hope that this will attract lots more attention and motivate people to get on board with the ongoing plethora of campaigns going on across the Province as we lead up to the May 12th Election.

The Ten Thousand Voices campaign is an initiative by the Wilderness Committee that calls for BC residents to join them on Thursday March 26 to contact your MLA and the Premier to raise your concerns about the private hydro-power projects that are taking over many BC rivers and streams.

Check out the Facebook page for more information, including contact information if you want to join the flotilla.

Last modified: March 21, 2009

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