Burrard Street Bridge closes & opens


The Vancouver Police closed the Burrard Street Bridge for rush hour traffic in both directions this morning while investigating a “serious motor vehicle accident”. An hour later, they re-opened the bridge.

Vancouver Police Sergeant Louise Gibbs says a small black Volkswagen rolled over, leaving glass and debris across the south end of the bridge. The female driver was rushed to hospital but has non-life threatening injuries.

Update: You can see from images captured from KatKam that the bridge was quiet from 6:15am onwards and re-opened to traffic at approximately 7:00am.

Last modified: April 6, 2009

One Response to " Burrard Street Bridge closes & opens "

  1. David Hayes says:

    Glad she’s ok. I cycled past the crash a minute or two after it happened and stayed until the ambulance turned up (a minute later). Looks like the car hit the West curb and rolled to the East curb bounced off the wall and ended up facing North. The car was a mess and debris was strewn all across the road.