Chemetics Building on Cornwall up for redevelopment


chemeticsThe first building you see in Kits when you cross the Burrard Street Bridge is 1818 Cornwall Avenue – known by many at the Chemetics Building.

Sounds like its days may be numbered.

Real estate developer Bentall LP is currently hosting a series of  public open houses to discuss the future of the property as they explore ideas. We’ve been alerted by a number of readers that Bentall plans a high density residential condo but so far those are just rumors as any plans would face height, density and zoning restrictions.

Did anyone out there receive a notice regarding their open house on Tuesday, April 21st?  Did anyone attend?

Conspiracy theorists note that it was conveniently scheduled on the night of a Canucks playoff game.

Last modified: April 28, 2009

3 Responses to " Chemetics Building on Cornwall up for redevelopment "

  1. Mavro says:

    Darn, I should have received a notice. I can hit 1818 Cornwall with a 6 iron from my place. Bentall is getting too big, in my opinion it’s becoming a monopoly. I like smaller and more diverse sharing of the wealth. Let’s have organic ownership, style, design. Kits is a culture. Yes I am an idiot dreamer with high minded ideas that the apathetic find mildly amusing. Peace out.