Lehan vs Campbell: it’s going to be a dogfight


In the 2005 provincial election, NDP candidate Mel Lehan gathered 10,248 votes – just 2,250 ballots short of Premier Gordon Campbell in Vancouver-Point Grey. Not a bad result for the newbie politician. This time around Lehan is predicting that he’ll close the gap thanks to a shift of Green Party voters his way.

Should make for an interesting result tomorrow night. Hopefully Lehan’s pre-recorded telemarketing campaign calls with 2:45 seconds left in the Canucks game tonight didn’t piss off too many hockey fans.

Last modified: May 11, 2009

2 Responses to " Lehan vs Campbell: it’s going to be a dogfight "

  1. Anonymous says:

    that would have been the last straw for me if they had called me then – they already knocked on my door not once, not twice but on FOUR separate occasions in the last few days!

  2. Sammie says:

    Dogfight? Lehan didn’t have a hope in hell on the Westside. This is Gordo’s hood.