Top 10 Kitsilano Businesses on Twitter


It’s great to see so many local retail businesses tapping into Twitter as a local marketing communications tool.

Here’s the Top 10 according to our quick & dirty research:

  1. @fuelrestaurant – Fuel Restaurant – 1,048 followers
  2. @broadwaywine – Broadway Wine Shop – 580 followers
  3. @pebblebabystore – Pebble Baby Store – 495 followers
  4. @49thparallel – 49th Parallel Coffee – 402 followers
  5. @crocodilebaby – Crocodile Baby Store – 374 followers
  6. @ilovefrocks – Frocks Modern Bridesmaids – 297 followers
  7. @hanayaflorist – Hanaya Forever Flowers – 172 followers
  8. @skylerclothing – Skyler Clothing – 150 followers
  9. @texturasalon – Textura Salon – 92 followers
  10. @kitswine – Kits Wine Cellar – 86 followers

Be sure to add any others we’ve missed in the comments section below.

And yes, I realize that Lululemon (@lululemon) started in Kitsilano but their 8,000+ followers are spread out all over the word.

Last modified: July 15, 2009

18 Responses to " Top 10 Kitsilano Businesses on Twitter "

  1. K Thai says:

    How about the old Gastropod joint? Maenam – @maenam – 74 followers

  2. Amy says:

    Bloom Essentials is a great Kits Spa..been around for 12 years, and has 202 followers! @bloomessentials

  3. Kerry says:

    Ceroc Vancouver has dance lessons at the Billy Bishop every Friday and has 66 followers. @cerocvancouver

  4. Jennifer says:

    Karran Finlay Marketing (based in Kits) offers event management and marketing services and has 127 followers.

  5. alistair says:


  6. Christina says:

    Christina Newberry Writing, Editing & Communications Strategy is firmly based in Kits! @christinakjn

  7. @yattermatters

    Real Estate marketing isn’t a business –
    it’s a joy :>)

  8. Chad says:

    Don’t forget Not for profit organizations such as: @westside_church – meets at 5th Ave Cinemas and Granville Island every Sunday.

  9. U the life store at 2028 Vine Street just off of 4th Avenue is also on twitter. @ulink

    We have 277 followers.

  10. David says:

    Textura salon has been around for 3 years. Beth the owner does amazing hair. Nothing like it around. Textura is such a fun salon you always come out of there looking and feeling on top of the world. Thanks Textura

  11. Howard Olsen says:

    I live and work in Kits. Twitter: howardolsen

  12. Grant says:

    Well, Pebble WAS at 495 followers… but in the 6 days since this blog was posted that number has spiked up to 537 and counting! I’m sure that’s no coincidence.

    Even though you were just reporting empirical data, we appreciate the mention. Twitter and other social media are such a cost-effective way for a small business to promote itself, and you deserve kudos for pointing this out. Thanks again from everyone at Pebble.

  13. Erin says:

    Puleeeze! Twitter is sooooo last month. 15 minutes of fame over. Have a look at how many twits quit twittering after a month or two. It’s terribly useless and completely boring. The people that embrace it have an over inflated sense of their own self worth and somehow have been deluded into thinking that all of their followers are paying attention. As if.

  14. Erin says:

    Get over yourself. Nobody really cares about what you\’re up to, or how you\’re feeling, or what brand of jeans you just bought. Your Twitter pals are too busy typing their own BS to read yours. It doesn\’t make you popular, it just makes you sad. Stop typing and get some fresh air!

  15. Chris says:

    Whoa, Erin. Chill out. Your demons are showing. It’s summertime. Why so angry? Go to the beach, eat some fries and enjoy the view.