’s Fast Friday Link Fest


  • Chip’s Memorial Mile takes place tomorrow (June 20th) on West 10th between Alma and Tolmie and it’s not too late to register.
  • Greek Day is this Sunday (June 21st) on West Broadway between MacDonald & Blenheim from 11:00am – 9:30pm.
  • On Thursday June 25th Quince at Burrard & West 3rd is hosting a Kitchen Speed Dating event. Learn to cook 5 dishes with 5 different cooking partners.
  • Long time Kits retailer Mexico Arte on West 4th between Vine & Balsam is out-of-business.
  • Short-time Kits flower shop Perfolium on West 4th between Yew & Vine has wilted after three months and has closed its doors.
  • Work continues on the old Malone’s building on Cornwall. Heritage designation is forcing the building owners to retrofit rather than demolish & rebuild. Look for Joey’s to open its doors in September.

Last modified: June 18, 2009

2 Responses to "’s Fast Friday Link Fest "

  1. cam says:

    Joey’s???? Doucheville!

  2. kitsgirl says:

    september???? Man! there goes a prime-time spot for patio sitting this summer!! Bummer, dude…..