Pink Salmon Festival at Vanier Park


While the sockeye salmon are returning at a worrisomely tiny fraction of their expected number, 15 million pink salmon are coming home to the Fraser River. To celebrate their return, the Pacific Salmon Foundation is hosting the annual Pink Salmon Festival on Sunday, August 30th at Vanier Park from 11 am to 5 pm.

Pink Salmon Festival Poster

(click on poster to enlarge)

From the event press release:

“The PSF Pink Salmon Festival is a celebration of all that Pink Salmon represent and offer. Pink Salmon are the base for BC’s coastal ecological systems, they are sustainably harvested, and their delicious and delicate texture and are prized by culinary experts the world over.”

“Foodies take note: this free event features Robert Clark, the visionary and celebrated executive chef of C restaurant as well as the chefs from Raincity Grill and Nu preparing specialty pink salmon creations for the public to enjoy. In addition, barbecue evangelist Rockin’ Ronnie Shewchuk will be preparing a West-Coast classic: cedar-planked pink salmon with his signature whisky-maple glaze. This all-star culinary team will be preparing close to 3,000 pounds of beautiful, succulent pink salmon in free, sample-sized portions for what is sure to be an appreciative crowd.”

The event will also feature live music, magicians, entertainers, an art show, fundraiser, and a 60-foot salmong story telling tent. For those of us who would like to learn more about the role of salmon in our ecosystem, as well as the implications on their diminishing number and other concerns, Vancouver Aquarium’s OceanWise program will also be in attendance for any questions.

Last modified: September 2, 2009

2 Responses to " Pink Salmon Festival at Vanier Park "

  1. Bill Barilko says:

    Pinks are great eating fresh, not sure what Pink Salmon have to do with Vanier Park since there’s no run of Pink salmon anywhere near the place.

    Of course Wild salmon can use all the help they can get, that’s a fact.