Goodbye Oqoqo, Hello Pre-Teen Insecurities


ivivva_fbIt’s official. Lululemon’s new tween line called Ivivva is taking over the old Oqoqo location a couple doors down from the Lululemon’s flagship West 4th storefront.

Ivivva Athletica is a new store concept from Lululemon targeting the most fickle consumers out there, the tween set.  Set to open in November in Vancouver, Victoria, and Calgary Ivivva is aimed at girls aged 6 to 12 and will be made for “function sports” such as gymnastics, dance, figure skating, field hockey, track and field and soccer.

Deanne Schweitzer, Lululemon’s head of global strategy, said customers and their daughters were requesting a Lululemon youth line, although the Ivivva brand will have its own logo and distinctive look. “The garments won’t look like a mini version of Lululemon,” she said. “This is brand is going to have unique technical features and [it is] a bit more colourful, more adventurous. “These kids don’t want to look like their moms.”

Last modified: October 19, 2009

One Response to " Goodbye Oqoqo, Hello Pre-Teen Insecurities "

  1. kitsgirl says:

    will this new line be priced the same as lululemon gear? ie-“expensive”.