Another Contest: Curling or Victory Ceremony Tickets


If you had trouble catching a glimpse of the torch due to the huge crowd that came out to greet it last week, here’s your chance to get a closer look at an Olympic event: we’re giving away a pair of tickets to the Olympics. No, it’s not Men’s Hockey or Figure Skating, but it’s free and easy. All you need to do to enter is leave a comment on this post below. Double your chances of winning by joining our Facebook page.

You have a choice between: 2 tickets to Women’s Curling on Friday February 19, 9:00 am at the Vancouver Olympic Centre OR 2 tickets for the Victory Ceremony on Sunday February 21, 2010; 18:30 BC Place. Please indicate in your comment which pair of tickets you’d like.

Winning name will be drawn on Tuesday evening at 6 pm, and delivered by Wednesday afternoon, so enter now! Tell your friends to join, and if they win they might share the other ticket with you.

EDIT: Thank you to everyone who entered the contest. Contest is now closed, and the winning name has been randomly drawn: #17 Tricia Gould!  Congratulations, hope you enjoy the curling event this Friday.

Last modified: February 16, 2010

73 Responses to " Another Contest: Curling or Victory Ceremony Tickets "

  1. luc says:

    Victory, yes!

  2. Mike Jones says:

    Curling gets a bad rep on TV and such, but I find it fun to watch – its more strategic and delibrate. Skating and skiing are fun, but I can’t relate or get involved. With curling I can yell at the screen because I thought a stone should’ve been curled more or sweeped less.. meh, my two cents

  3. Oana says:

    I’ll take the Victory Ceremony tickets!

  4. Mark says:

    Would love to see the Olympic Bonspiel! I run an annual Bonspiel of my own with a group of friends. Pick me Coach!

  5. Brett says:

    Victory! Sadly working for the curling 🙁

  6. Laura says:

    Victory please. Would love to see some of those medals up close!!

  7. gina says:

    I would LOVE a pair of tickets to the victory ceremony! 🙂 Pleasepleaseplease!

  8. Stefan says:

    I would love to goto a curling match!

  9. Nat says:

    Curling please.

  10. Lo says:

    I’s love tickets to the curling!!

  11. Shelley says:

    Oh would love the curling tickets! Sure hope I win. Great contest…thanks!

  12. Ana says:

    The Victory Ceremony tickets please! Thank you!

  13. Brandi says:

    Curling, curling, curling!! If I win these tix, I’m totally buying that cowbell I’ve been eying!

  14. Kris says:

    I’d love the tickets to the Victory ceremony!

  15. Davi says:

    Curling is NOT boring, unlike what some may think. I’d love to get tickets to the curling event!

  16. I tried curling for the first time last year…its really hard but super fun! I now have a new found respect for the sport. Would love to see a curling live during the Olympics 🙂

  17. Tricia Gould says:

    I love Curling – it is a true Canadian sport and I would love the chance to go. The Olympics are so amazing for our city! Go Canada Go! As a faithful Kits resident I love this blog! Keep up the great work. 🙂

  18. Tricia Gould says:

    I would love either tickets! But Curling would be the best! 🙂 thanks again for being a great Vancouver resource!

  19. Adrienne says:

    Victory Ceremony = yes please!

  20. Christine says:

    I would love to “hurrrry HAAAARRRD!” to the curling match, if I am so lucky!

  21. Belatu-Cadros says:

    I’d like to get out to an actual competition, so curling for me please.

  22. Alicia W says:

    Would love, love, love to see Curling up close.
    Tons of my family members are curlers, so I think it would be great to see a game being played at an Olympic level!

  23. Anthony says:

    Curling tix! Hurray! Hurray hard!

  24. Judd says:


  25. Silverhalide says:

    A pair of Victory ceremony tickets would be a great way to cap off the week.

  26. Marc says:


  27. Annika says:

    Victory Ceremony!! Keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks!!!

  28. Lucy says:

    Would love to go to the Victory Ceremony!!!

  29. Angie Schick says:

    Victory Ceremony please!

  30. christine says:

    I would love the Victory Ceremony tickets!

  31. Heather says:

    Thanks for running a contest.. either sounds fantastic!

  32. Heather says:

    p.s. i’d pick curling

  33. Dawn says:

    I’d pick Curling!

  34. Kevin says:

    I’d love the curling, but the scheduling of the victory celebration is better for me and who doesn’t want to see Trooper and Loverboy.

  35. Dean says:

    Touch choice but I think I’d rather attend the victory ceremony on the 21st.

  36. Denise says:

    Victory please! Fingers crossed!

  37. eddyautomatic says:

    Canada is far and away the most wonderfully amazing country in the world. I’ve always been so proud to be Canadian, and now that we get to strut our stuff on the world stage, I’m even prouder!

    And I would love to attend the victory ceremony!!

  38. WyWyWa says:

    Great site and great to see so many lurkers coming out to play. Curling, please!

  39. Jess says:

    Victory Ceremony on Sunday February 21 please!

  40. Love your website. Great resources for Kitsilano living. I live downtown, but I still find it very useful:) Oh btw, I’m choosing hmmmm “Curling”

  41. Gord says:

    Sweet. Victory ceremony.

  42. Charlie says:

    I’d be happy raising a litte hell on the weekend with Loverboy & Trooper at the Victory Ceremony or yelling (in my head only – don’t worry not going to get myself kicked out) swiffer swiffer at the Curling Rink!

  43. Charlie says:

    I\’d be happy raising a litte hell on the weekend with Loverboy & Trooper at the Victory Ceremony or yelling (in my head only – don\’t worry not going to get myself kicked out) swiffer swiffer at the Curling Rink!

    I don’t thinkmy email addres was typed correctly on my previous post

  44. Mary says:

    Pass up a chance to yell “hurry”! Never! 😉

  45. Rob says:

    I would love to see Curling! Good luck everyone!

  46. Jayne says:

    Being live at the Victory ceremony would be awesome. Bring it on!

  47. Dale says:

    I’d love to go to the Victory Ceremony if I won the tickets – it’ll keep my daughters attention more than curling. 🙂

  48. Shiraz says:

    I’d love to take my daughter to the victory ceremony, it’s her birthday that weekend.

  49. sonia says:

    Victory ceremony! it would be great to see the torch up front and personal!

  50. Curling! I’ll take my grandma who breathes it.

  51. Blair Smith says:

    Curling please, I’ll take my buddy Roy who has been a gay curler “forever” and a huge fan of the sport. always defending it, a consumate Canadian!

  52. Mike Delorme says:

    Awards ceremony would be great, will cheer on EVERYONE!

  53. heather b says:

    I would love to win ths contest! Curling for sure!

  54. Cynnamon says:

    I would love to attend one of the Victory Ceremonies!!

  55. ML says:

    Victory ceremony! Trooper and Loverboy are playing that day.

  56. Krisrt says:

    Victory ceremony tickets would be fab. This is my only chance to see an event.

  57. ryan sherbank says:

    Dance down the sheet to the tune of HURRY, HURRY HARD!

    I would love some curling tickets!!

  58. Clint says:

    Curling because I will yell “Thank You” !

  59. Vicki Gould says:

    Would love to see a curling match – I am a die hrd curler and I did not get tickets 🙁

  60. Kim says:

    Curling tickets would be awesome! Great contest!

  61. I love Women’s Curling!

  62. leslie says:

    I’d love to win the Victory Ceremony!

  63. Dan says:

    Curling tickets for me please!

  64. Ashley says:

    Either! I’ve grown up with curling and would love to take in an event, but would be so stoked to be there when the Canadian flag is raised as we rake the medals in!!

  65. Christina says:

    Curling would be awesome!!

  66. Carlos says:

    Curling would work for me!

  67. Peter says:

    Curling is Canada’s game. Go Canada Go!

  68. Kathleen Moynahan says:

    I would love to see the vistory ceremony!

  69. Kathleen Moynahan says:

    I mean victory ceremony. Doh!

  70. Laurel Allen says:

    I would like the Victory Ceremony tickets for Sunday February 21 at BC Place.

  71. Roger says:

    Victory ceremony, please. Thanks for the contest.

  72. Tricia Gould says:

    Thank you so much! I am so excited for the Curling match! Go Canada Go!