Flash Mob Workshop at the Kitsilano Community Centre


All week I’ve heard people bemoaning their Olympic withdrawal symptoms. I’m hearing comments like “Everything’s so quiet and uneventful now” and “I miss the energy and the lineups,” and these complaints are really starting to irritate me.

All this whining irritates me because Vancouver has always had a lot to celebrate, but there won’t be much celebrating with this sulky hangover. Not to mention that the complaints focus on a passing event instead of the locals’ contributions.

The games come and go, but the people who made all that fun possible live here. Have you seen the video of the crazy flashmob of 1,500+ people dancing on Robson? That was coordinated by Kits’ own non-profit organization, imagine1day. The other roaming dance parties were designed by Decentralized Dance Party, and DDP has been hosting roaming dances for a year with nary a billion dollar budget in sight.

The energy and fun expressed in the games wouldn’t happen without people’s participation. Don’t just passively whine about what this city lacks; go out there and make this city into the sort of space that you want to live in. And if you find yourself missing all those dances, there’s a flashmob workshop this weekend that could use your cooperation.

The next “Host a City Happening” Flash Mob event is happening tomorrow, on Saturday March 6. From 10 am to noon, participants will learn and practice the choreography at Kitsilano Community Centre (2690 Larch Street). Then it will be perfomed that very afternoon at 2 pm and 6 pm.

There isn’t much information on what kind of choreography or music will be involved, other than the fact that the dance will be 4 minutes long. Also, all ages are welcome, so you can certainly make this flashmob into a family occasion.

For more information, please call the Kitsilano Community Centre:  604-257 6976.

Last modified: March 5, 2010

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