TransLink wants your input on rapid transit to UBC


The 99 B-Line is the busiest bus route in Vancouver, and it shows. Buses are crowded, waiting passengers are being left behind, and journey times are unpredictable, affecting quality of service for customers.

Conventional buses are already working near capacity, even though buses arrive every two to three minutes during peak times. And as demand is only expected to grow, TransLink has been working with the Province to assess a range of alternatives for future rapid transit service, to determine the preferred solution.

Check out the video below to learn more about the corridor and the study. Then visit the UBC Be Part of the Plan page to learn more about the alternatives, and share your thoughts in their questionnaire, on their online discussion boards, or at one of the five in-person workshops held throughout April and May.

There are six suggested alternatives for the Broadway corridor, and each one uses one of three rapid transit technologies—Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), Light Rail Transit (LRT) and Rail Rapid Transit (RRT)—or some combination of these technologies.

Six alternatives are proposed as preliminary concepts for the  Broadway corridor.

Remember that they’re still in the early stages of planning for rapid transit service and the presented alternatives are all only preliminary concepts that they want your input on.

Last modified: April 20, 2010

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