Kitsilano’s Semperviva Yoga climbs aboard Groupon train


After all the hype and the a local online advertising campaign to go with it, Groupon is live in Vancouver and a Kitsilano-based business is being highlighted on day two.

For $11, new students get one week of classes at Semperviva Yoga (a $23 value). This Groupon can be used at any of Semperviva’s five Vancouver locations. The week starts after your initial class.

Since this is likely everyone’s first Groupon in Vancouver, Groupon has been kind enough to briefly explain how it works.

Groupon is a combination of the words group and coupon. Each day, we offer an unbeatable deal on the best of Vancouver: restaurants, spas, sporting events, theatre, and more. By promising businesses a minimum number of customers, we get discounts you won’t find anywhere else. We call it “collective buying power.”

If you want to get the deal, just click BUY before the offer ends at midnight. If the minimum number of people (25 for today’s deal) sign up by the end of the day, you’ll be emailed a gift certificate the next morning. You can print your Groupons or redeem them with our iPhone app. Use them whenever you want until the deal expires-today’s expires in three months. If not enough people join, no one gets the deal (and you won’t be charged), so invite your friends to make sure you get the discount!

If you’re a Kitsilano business that would like to give Groupon a shot, you can learn more about the opportunity here.

Last modified: April 27, 2010

One Response to " Kitsilano’s Semperviva Yoga climbs aboard Groupon train "

  1. Fran Su says:

    There is also a canada site that does it called webpiggy adn another called grooster.