Water, Gel-Packs, and Sponges


This coming Sunday BMO’s Vancouver Marathon is swinging through Kits.  This yearly event can seem like a hassle, a few roads are closed, but there’s lots of fun to be had if you take a closer look into this Kits tradition.  Here’s a few tips on making the most of this year’s event:

  • Shout Out to Mark – One of the most rewarding things you can do at this year’s marathon is cheer for a complete stranger.  There’s joy in shouting “You can do it Mark!” as Mark struggles up the hill on kilometer 30.  More often than not you’ll see his runner’s fog lift.  You can enjoy this simple pleasure too, as each runner’s bib has the participant’s name on it.
  • Marathon RouteMake Gatorade in a Trashcan – OK, this one’s only for volunteers, but if you show up to one of the water stations early enough you’ll get to see the magic happen, usually with an industrial sized trashcan and a broom handle.  Mmmmm mmmm!
  • Join the Fun at Station #12 – Another great way to enjoy the marathon is to volunteer.  In addition to making Gatorade in a trashcan you’ll also get to handout gel-packs, water, and sponges to exhausted participants.  Come by Station #12 at Point Grey and Highbury where The Bridge is volunteering, enjoy the band, and see what it’s all about in case you want to volunteer next year.

Hope that this year you’ll enjoy the Vancouver Marathon as much as I do!

Last modified: April 30, 2010

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