Open Mic at the Wired Monk is back


The Wired Monk coffee house on the corner of West 4th and Trafalgar is bringing together local musicians every Thursday night.

For those who remember the history of this open mic know it as a welcoming and intimate space for sharing music.  Many local artists can remember getting their start there.

Last week brought out Kaila Fluss for her second time performing at the Monk. Also featured that night were local acts, Jasper Sloan Yip, Case Closed, and Julia Spitale.

It’s happening every Thursday night. Sign up to perform three songs is at 7:30pm, music starts at 8pm.

Photo: Kaila Fluss performing at the Wired Monk. Photo by Brenda Miller

Last modified: June 14, 2010

5 Responses to " Open Mic at the Wired Monk is back "

  1. Jayvus says:

    What a hot singer girl

  2. Ezek says:

    Bring Kaila Fluss back again!

  3. Sloane says:

    Really enjoyed the songs Kaila sang. Great stage presence.

  4. Tim says:

    Right on Sloane … And Ezek …. bring Kaila back!

  5. Josslyn says:

    You’re beautiful Kaila! Can’t wait to hear your lovely voice again!