One new mobile Food Vendor coming to Kitsilano


Today the Vancouver Sun’s Randy Shore reported that the winning applicants in the city’s street food pilot project will face parking fees of at least $43K to secure the coveted downtown curbside locations through the end of April 2011. However, this requirement will not affect the one spot being set aside in Kitsilano on the west side at the 1200-1300 block of Arbutus Street next to Kits Beach (see right photo).

Vancouver is accepting applications from mobile food vendors to fill 14 sidewalk spaces and three curbside spaces mostly on the downtown peninsula, Kitsilano Beach and Spanish Banks. The process is part of a pilot project intended to diversify the selection of healthy local foods available on the street beyond the current roster of hotdogs, popcorn and chestnuts.

All the spaces will be awarded by lottery, but the winning applicants for curbside spaces will be able to choose between a prime downtown location with metered parking or a non-metered location outside the downtown core. Applicants who win the right to a curbside location can opt for the less desirable non-metered space like the one in Kits for a flat fee of $1,500 for the nine-month duration of the pilot.

The City of Vancouver is accepting applications until 4:00pm on June 30th and all 17 vending locations will be awarded in a lottery to take place July 9th.

Last modified: June 29, 2010

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