West 1st sidewalk collapses and boom truck tips


A boom truck tipped over while delivering lumber to a low-rise condominium construction project on West 1st Avenue at Vine Street yesterday afternoon. The truck tipped over shortly after 1:00pm and it took almost five hours to put the truck back on its wheels. Another crane was used to upright the truck and return it to the street.

Photo: Nik Laufer-Edel

Eyewitness reports claim that the sidewalk beneath the truck support gave out, causing the truck to tip and dangle precariously near the edge of the excavation pit.

Photo: Jody Aliesan

No one was hurt in the incident, which is currently under investigation by WorkSafeBC.

Last modified: July 1, 2010

One Response to " West 1st sidewalk collapses and boom truck tips "

  1. Jody says:

    Yes, one of the two braces on the boom truck punched through the sidewalk and into unstable dirt beneath. It actually took three rigs: a hydraulic tow holding the truck from tipping (chains and cables to the underside), a cherry picker to attach chains from the crane to the far side over the pit, and the crane itself. Three other parties were there: the contractors, to salvage the load of lumber, the driver of the truck, who had climbed out safely, and the fire department. The whole operation was slow, delicate and coordinated, with lots of consultations, considering the angle of repose and the upside down fuel tanks. Everyone was gone and site cleaned up by dark. My apartment is the one behind the flag, so I had a front row seat. I’ll send another photo by email.