Warning issued after sexual assaults in Kitsilano


Police have issued a public warning after two women were sexually assaulted in Kitsilano.

A 28-year-old woman was grabbed from behind as she was walking along the 2400 block of West 7th Avenue around 2:15am on July 1st. She was thrown to the ground and groped repeatedly, but managed to scream and fight off the assailant who ran off.

The woman reported the incident to police immediately. She described her attacker as 5′ 10″ tall with a medium build. She said he was wearing a black hoodie and black gloves.

While the woman was calling 911, a 23-year-old woman was sexually assaulted just blocks away at the 2200 block of Vine Street. She described the man as Caucasian, 5’7″ with a stocky build.

Vancouver police believe these incidents are related and are asking anyone with information to come forward.

Last modified: July 2, 2010

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