Kitsilano’s Favourite Patio?


One of my favourite blogs in Vancouver, besides of course, is Miss 604. Recently Miss 604 posted a blog where she asked Vancouverites “what is your favourite patio in Vancouver?” As I scanned the over 150 comments I was happy to see that Kits was well represented in people’s votes.

Here is a rundown of the Kits patio’s that topped the list:

The Kits Boathouse – 10 votes

The Local was a close Kits second – 9 votes

Jericho Gallery, Darby’s, Las Margaritas, Hell’s Kitchen and Sophie’s were all commented on as a choice summer patio.

Granville Island was also a frequent mention with Bridges (8 votes) leading the way on Granville Island as well some shout outs for Monk’s, and the Sand Bar.  

Agree? Disagree? Any favourite Kits patio’s not represented by the public?

Last modified: August 25, 2010

3 Responses to " Kitsilano’s Favourite Patio? "

  1. Kevan says:

    You have got to be kidding me. The Boathouse’s patio is practically indoors. The Local should have been a sure-shot winner

  2. Matt says:

    I would have to say that KaRV has a pretty sweet front patio. Definitely a good local crowd!