Talking Head and Mayor on Biking in Vancouver


On Sunday, October 24th the Vancouver Playhouse is hosting the Pacific Arbour Speaker Series presentation of Cities, Bicycles and the Future of Getting Around featuring David Byrne, Mayor Gregor Robertson, Amy Walker and Erick Villagomez.

At a time when Vancouver is seriously investing in making the city more bike friendly, it is indeed judicious to convene this forum on urban bike advocacy with some key players and thinkers from our city and beyond. The evening, sponsored by the City of Vancouver, will feature short topical presentations by all four panelists, followed by a Q&A session with the audience. Signed copies of Byrne’s Bicycle Diaries will be for sale in paperback from 32Books.

Cities, Bicycles and the Future of Getting Around

Musician David Byrne has always been ahead of his time. From his ground-breaking group Talking Heads to his work in video/film and public art, Byrne has always been on the cutting edge. For more than 30 years, Byrne has used the bicycle as his principle mode of transport. His book Bicycle Diaries chronicles his travels around the globe and his many adventures on his bike in some of the world’s most famous cities. What is apparent is that there is a long way to go in making our cities the world over, safe and easy places to travel by bike.

For everyone who cares about a sustainable and healthy transportation future for Vancouver, come and weigh in on the current state of affairs and what the future holds with our panel of forward thinkers and doers. Tickets are on sale and available at 604-990-78-7810 or online at The evening presentation gets underway at 7:30pm and will be hosted by retired CBC broadcaster Paul Grant.

Last modified: September 13, 2010

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